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Cloth Merchant Uses Sanskrit As Business Lingo

BIJAPUR, KARNATAKA, INDIA, May 7, 2010: These days, Sanskrit is no longer a forgotten tongue in daily lufe. There is talk of establishing a Sanskrit and Vedic university in the state. But off campus, right in the city, is a trader who uses the language for his day-to-day business. 3R Garments Shop in Bijapur city is owned by Ram Singh Rajput. He has eight employees, and for the past eight years, they have been using Sanskrit as the language for his business.

Ram Singh says there is no difficulty. “After we started using Sanskrit, our customers increased. Most of the customers first want to talk and learn some Sanskrit, then they buy clothes.” Singh is an active member of the Sanskrit Bharati organization. He had learnt Sanskrit at a 10-day camp, and then started using it at home. After that, he introduced it for the first time in his business. He has now done his MA in Sanskrit.

His younger brothers, Mohan and Vitthal Singh, also work in the shop. All of them speak Sanskrit fluently. According to the brothers, Sanskrit is the language of God, and learning it purifies a person’s life by reducing bad habits and arrogant behavior. “We automatically become polite, and good thoughts come to our mind,” they say.

1 Response to Cloth Merchant Uses Sanskrit As Business Lingo

  1. Krishnamurthy

    Thisis great news. Especially from Northern part of Karnataka showing so much interest in Sanskrit. Thanks for sharing this good news.


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