10 Buddhist Temples Burnt In Bangladesh


DHAKA, BANGLADESH, October 4, 2012 (Associated Press): [HPI Note: This is an update on the same attack which appeared in yesterday's HPI, raising the number of temples torched to 10 from 2--other reports are as high as 24.]

Amnesty International has urged Bangladesh to take action against those who attacked Buddhist temples and homes over a picture of a burned Qur’an posted on Facebook. At least 10 temples and 40 homes were torched, looted or vandalized last weekend in the southern coastal district of Cox’s Bazar as thousands of people angry over the picture took to the streets. The government has already arrested around 300 people for their alleged role in the violence, while authorities have pledged to provide security to minority Buddhists in the predominantly Muslim country. Amnesty says it wants Bangladesh take immediate steps. In a statement Wednesday, Abbas Faiz, Amnesty’s Bangladesh researcher, said the attacks “have shocked Muslims and non-Muslims alike” in the country and Bangladeshi authorities “must ensure this does not happen again.”

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