Maha Saraswathi Homa in Malleswaram

Event Name
Event Start Date June 23
Event End Date June 23
Event Start Time 9:00 am
Event End Time 12:00 noon
Venue Name Malleswaram Grounds
Address Line 1 Bangalore
Address Line 2
City Bangalore
Area Malleswaram
Country India
State Karnataka
Zip 560003
Hosted By Soundarya Lahari Trust (A non profit organization)
Contact Person Name Guruji Karunamaya
Contact Email < >;
Admission Details Children/Students above 9 years age
Event Summary Maha Saraswathi homa to be performed by 5000 students in 500 homa kundas all by themselves under the guidance of Guruji for free of cost. However registration is mandatory.For registration contact: 9739973956 / 9980161623 / 9880107609

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