Trailinga Swami(Ganapati Swami) – A Great Avadhuta

Trailinga Swami was a great Hindu yogi famed for his spiritual powers who stayed most of his life in Varanasi(Kashi). He lived for a longer period of around 280 years.He is regarded as an incarnation of god Shiva, and Ramakrishna, a contemporary Bengali saint referred to him as the “The walking Shiva of Varanasi”.

In the village near Andhra Vijayanagara, in the first half of 17 century 1607, there born an incarnation of Lord Viswanath in the Brahmin family of Nrusimhadhara. He was named as Trailingadhara. One day when the child’s mother was making her child sleep, a bright light went inside the child. In his childhood, he used to stay alone and spend time in meditation and bhajans. When his father asked him to marry, he refused firmly.

After the death of his parents, he got completely renunciation and went in search of his Guru. Finally, he got Bhagiratha Swami as his Guru who initiated him Sanyasa and
gave the name Ganapati Saraswati in the year 1685. He became an ASHTAVADHANI and then a SHATAVADHANI by practice. But, as his was to know the Brahman(Ultimate Truth), he didn’t care about all these.

Trailanga Swami always remained completely nude. There are many sects in India which don’t wear any kind of clothes. e.g. Naga Sadhus and a particular sect in Jain religion. Trailanga Swami used to eat occasionally. He would stay with out food for weeks and then he would break his
fast with potfuls of clabbered milk offered to him by devotees.

When Sri Ramakrishna met Trailinga Swami, Ramakrishna asked,”Is God one or many?” and Trailinga Swami answered,” God is one in the transcendental state(Samadhi). In the materialistic view, he is seen in many forms.”

Many times Trailanga Swami was seen drinking deadliest of poison with no ill effect. Other very common sight at Manikarnika Ghat of Ganges river was theTrailanga Swami’s motionless body on the blistering stone slabs, wholly exposed to the merciless Indian sun.

He was reportedly seen swimming or floating on Ganga for hours. The Swami talked very little and at times not at all. A large number of people became attracted to him upon hearing of his yogic powers to ameliorate their sufferings.

On many occasions, he was seen to drink deadly poisons with no ill effect. In one instance, a skeptic wanted to expose him as a fraud. Trailanga was accustomed to breaking his long fasts with buckets of clobbered milk, so the skeptic brought him a bucket of calcium-lime mixture used for whitewashing walls instead. Trailanga drank the entire bucket with no ill effect—instead, the skeptic fell to the ground writhing. Trailanga broke his usual silence to explain the law of karma, or cause and effect

One day, King of Kashi was was hunting a tiger and that tiger ran towards the Swami and sat like a cat. He was showing concern for its life. On seeing this, the King saluted Swami and went back.

Once when a child of 7 years was dead and the mother approached Swami and cried, Swami just touched the body of the child and that child wake up like waking up from the sleep.

It has been reported that he had a vision of boat drowning on to the sea and the same happened when he himself went and saved all the people in that boat.
He had cured many diseases of many people who come to him.

Once a magistrate asked him,”I am a non-veg and I want you to take food with me”. Then the Swami told,”OK. But you have to take what I eat also.” Then he ordered cow dung for one of his disciples. On seeing this, the magistrate pleaded him and went.

He had showed the Goddess Kali to one of his disciple Umacharan in real form. The disciple was surprised and asked,”How is it possible?” and the reply was,”If you believe in God and by the God’s grace, everything is possible.”

There is a story where a big stone of 300pounds which was under the Ganga river. It required at least 20 people to carry. But,he alone carried and brought it and ordered it to make a ShivaLinga of 5ft height.

He had told about his date of his death well before and all the devotees took the last blessings from him. He was put in a big box and dropped it in the river as per his order by his disciples in the year 1887.

46 Responses to Trailinga Swami(Ganapati Swami) – A Great Avadhuta

  1. J.nagaraja rao

    It is amazing to read about the life of Trilinga swamy. I have read the life of Sri.Ramakrishna, Swamy Vivekananda and RamanaMaharshi. But not about this swamy. Thanks for the article. I would like to read the autobiography of swamy. Kindly furnish the details of book and availability.

  2. raghuram

    thanks for giving the life sketch of Trilinga swami. Can you also give about Sadashiva Brahmendra ____thanks….

  3. admin


    Thank you very much.
    I took it from many articles that are published. One of those is kannada magazine, Karmaveera. There are many sources.


  4. sharmila

    Sai Ram!!

    It is god gifted to read about the life of Trilinga swamy.Thanks for the article.I feel blissed to come across this article.

    Thank you so much :)

  5. bhanumathi

    there is one biography of trilingaswamiji written by sri j suryaprakasa rao garu in telugu.he is a rtd prof from bhu.he can suggest books on swamiji in other languages.his book may be available frm maheswara ofset printers rajamundry

  6. Sekhar E[iFocus]

    Beautiful article, Thank you very much for narrating it. For those who’d like to know more about swamy- I recently read a book in telugu(originally written in Bengali by Umacharan ji, the direct disciple of Swamy). It is published by Sanatana Dharma Charitable trust. Like it was mentioned in the preface by Sadguru Sri Sivananda Murthy, it is not easy to cover all the great things of Swamy. Jai Mahatma Trilinga Swamy!

  7. Vinayak Publications

    Now hindi version of his life avialble in book form (Published by Vinayak Publications)

  8. Amar Nath Poddar

    For more detail on the life of Mahatma Tailanga Swami beynd the orignal Bengali book of Umacharan Mukhopadhay (Transalated in many languaged) Please visit where you can find the contact no and mail id of Amar Nath Poddar (Reasercher on Shri Tailanga Swami) from whom you can get more of Mahatma Tailanga Swami. (who is Lord Shiva Himself) Also one book name Maha Bakya Ratnabali written by Mahatma Tailanga Swami himself (eqvalent to Bhagabat Gita) & Tatta bodh trans by Umacharan Mukhopadhay dicteted by Swamijee.

    Amar Nath Poddar

  9. M A MURTY

    Excellent account of Trilingaswamy. Very little is known about his biography and miracles performed by Him during his life which span about 280 years. I shall feel happy to know more about Him.

    ==M A MURTY==

  10. rohit jamwal

    Pls. Give me contact no. Or adress from where i can purchase biography of sh. Tailang swami

  11. Amar Nath Poddar

    Near to Madurai, the capital of Pandya and Vijayanagar rulers, there is a village called Samayanallur. There lived a devout couple Sri Annaswami Sharma and Tripura Sundari Devi. Goddess Meenakshi blessed them to have a twin born in the year 1627. As per their vow the first born child was offered to Goddess Meenakshi by the parents. The divine child had a Trilinga mark on its back and shanka and chakra mark on its lotus feet. As the beloved child of Goddess Meenakshi it was brought up by Jagan Matha in her own sanctum sanctorum. This divine child (Kulandai Ananda Swami) like Lord Ganesha and Karthikeya was worshipped by all the people of Madurai when they came to temple to offer pooja to goddess Meenakshi. As the child was brought up by goddess Meenakshi, the child was appropriately addressed by bhakhtas and citizens of the city as “Meenakshi Bala Kulandai Ananda Swami.” The handsome and lovely child did drink only the milk offered by the great Goddess and accepted nothing else from the outside world. After the passing away of the parents, the Bala Ganapathi Swami did the last rites to His beloved parents, collected the holy ashes collected from the smasan, and preceded on pilgrimage to the holy city of Kasi as per the direction of his mother goddess Meenakshi. This happened at the sixteenth year of Swamiji’s age (1642). On reaching Varanasi young Ganapathi Swamy offered the sacred ashes of his parent to the lord of the Universe, Lord Vishwanath and Mother River Ganga. The young Swami remained at the Maha Smasan of the holy city (Manikarnika Ghat) in deep meditation for several years, his divinely glowing body-temple becoming stone-like with the ability to with stand and ressits adverse climatic conditions.

    The young Swami then moved towards north and travelled widely in the Himalayan region visiting Manasarovar, Mount Kailash, Gangothri, Kedar and Badhrinath and finally reached the inaccessible North Pole and remained there in deep Nirvikalpa Samadhi for several years. There is no place on the earth that is not visited by our Mahaswamy.

    The biographical and historical sketches of the Mahaswamy`s long span of ever growing divine life are found in many books of Tamil, Bengali, Hindi, and English languages as detailed below.

    (1) The first biography of Mahaswamy was written by Shri Umacharan Mukhopadhay. This Bengali book was released in the first quarter of the 20th century. (1916)

    (2) When the Mahaswamy appeared again in south India after his Samadhi in 1887 at varanasi, one Sri Ranganatha Sharma from Berhampur approached Mahaswami at Madurai in the year 1920 and got the impression of Mahaswami`s right hand palm. From that the horoscope chart, the details of Mahaswami`s life and important incidents happened were collected from palm leaf manuscripts.

    (3) Sri Ranganatha Sharma just before assuming sanyasa ashram released the biographical details of Mahaswami in the year 1938. The booklet was in Tamil language.

    (4) The first Tamil language biography of the Mahaswami was written by Sri Raghupathy Venkataramana Swami, the great grand son and direct disciple of Mahaswami in the year 1955. This book also contained the details in the booklet released by Sri Ranganatha Sharma. The second part of the book by Sri Raghupathy Venkataramana was published in 1964.

    (5) Sri Shankari Mathaji, the direct disciple of Mahaswami got released another Bengali book on Sri Trilinga Swamy through her trusted disciple Sri Paramananda Saraswati. Based on the Bengali books Hindi, Telugu and English versions were published subsequently. Most of the books are translated versions released for commercial purposes with no authenticity.

    (6) In 1965, a trusted disciple of Mahaswami Sri K.S.V.Ramani a journalist brought out a Tamil edition of Mahaswami`s biography mostly collected from the living disciples of Mahaswamy with a certain amount of authenticity.

    Many articles on Sri Trilinga Swami appeared in periodicals and magazines in different languages at different times but all are based on the above mentioned books. People of south India, especially Tamilnadu, know beyond doubt that Sri Kulandai Ananda Mahaswamigal was called and worshiped as Sri Trilingaswamigal in North India. The north Indians hailed Mahaswamy as the one from Telugu speaking southern part of the country. Therefore they called him Telugu Swami. Telugu is the name derived from the root word Trilinga. Andhra Pradesh was known as Trilinga desam before the advent of the British people. The biographies of Mahaswami traditionally known to the people of south India differ in many respects from the biographies in Bengali and Hindi languages which are mainly based on the only available source book of Umacharan Mukhopadhyaya. The difference with respect to the place of birth, year of birth, name of the parents may create a doubt about the fact that both are one or different. It is but natural and very easy for Sri Kulandai Anand Mahaswamy to appear in one place in one form, disappearing there and appearing in another place. It is very difficult for ordinary mortals or even learned persons to know completely about our Mahaswamy. Unless and otherwise declared by the Mahaswamigal it is very difficult to understand his divine nature and leela. When doubts arise we have to ascertain the truth only from the words and utterances of the Mahaswami himself. Guru’s words are only trust worthy and are to be accepted as proof and evidence. The following are instances and evidences as shown by Sri Kulandai Anandha Mahaswamigal that He is Kasi Nivasi Sri Sri Sri Trilinga Swamy.

    For further detail contact with Sri Amar Nath Poddar, ex president & trustee member Shree Guru Ashram Trailanga Math Kolkata. mail id and
    Mobile 098300-35715

  12. partha

    Thanks for the short biography of Sri Sri Trailanga Swami.But the photograph published is not original.You can compare it to the original one enlarged and worshipped at His Ashrama at Varanasi.
    In 1950s,Sri Swami appeared in front of my aunt late Nilima Ganguly who became blind because of glaucoma and cured her-such is the grace of Sri Swami.

  13. ManideepYakkala

    thanks for the Sri Trilinga Swamy auto biography, if possiable furnish the story in to vernacular languages, it could more helpful so many people who can’t understand the english.

  14. Kalpana.N

    I am a devotee of my Great Thatha

  15. Kalpana.N

    Today i live with my Great grandpa Trailinga swami’s blessings, it never end.

  16. Kalpana.N

    My great thatha

  17. Kalpana.N

    send trailinga swami image to web site

  18. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Maideep yakkalajee, Thank for your request, You can get the Bengali Book written by Late Umacharan Mukhopadhay diciple of Swamijee. And another 200 pages book dictated by Shri Shri Shankarimata and written by Shri Paramananda Swami. Shankari Mata is Manas Putri of Swamijee born & bought up in Swamijee`s Ashram in Varanasi. Paramananda Swami her disciple. You can get this book from me at free of cost. Please send your postal address at my ID or . Or if you reside in Kolkata you can collect direct from me. Or ring me at 9830035715.

    Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar

  19. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Kalpana, Thank for the post, I have already send you all your quarry in your mail id. The people of north India are not aware who is THATHA as you have mention. For their knowledge its require to clarify. People of North India known Him as Trailanga Swami or Ganapaty Swami or Shivarm, somebode called Bura Baba, but in South specially in Dindigul district of Madurai (the birth place of Swamijee) His descendants call Him as THATHA means the Great Great & Great Grand Father. And They always pray for their need to THATHA, but not to any one. Moreover Who have made comp-lit surrender himself on Bhagaban Shri Trailanga Swami. Only He/She can called Him as THATHA.

    Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar

  20. MURTHY

    Dear Mr. Amar Nath,

    I would like to buy these books in telugu, can you please advise me where can i find it.


  21. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Murthyjee, You can contact with Mr. Shrinivasan Rao of Hyderabad, whose mobile no is 91-9618301155. He is going to publish Mahabakya Ratnabali in Telugu, which is written by Mahatma Trailanga Swami Himself in Sanskrit and translate in Bengali by Umacharan Mukhopadhayin 1917. (Disciple of Swamijee). Now in Telugu by Shrinivasanjee by a function to be held on 22.01.2013.

    Amar Nath Poddar

  22. Ravi


    Its really imagaing to know this kind of saint in indian land.. I am feeling vry great.. to know about this.. but I want to ask that Swami Trailanga Swami was married…? because I heard about from one of Swami ji. that they are from his generation .. So Can You please give some light on this.

  23. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Ravijee, Mahatma Trailanga Swami never married He was Sada Sibha & Bal Brahamachari, but His younger brother Shridhar Swami ( actual name Lakshmana Venkatasubramanian) who was married, name of His son is Anantha Narayan, fortunately during my research I have got one family tree of Swamijee, from where I came to know descendant of the generation is steel leaving. Moreover I have made contact with them. If you want to know more you have to read the Tamil book “Guru Darshan” English version now under prose’s. I think I have able to remove your confusion. Feel free to ask further if any by my mail id

    Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar



  25. K R RAJU

    dear sir,

    i need Trailinga swami telugu life history and written by Mahatma Trailanga Swami any books in telugu

  26. A.N.Poddar

    Dear Rajujee, the book in Telugu you can get fromMr Srinivasan of Hyderabad I have already give you his mob number. The only book which is written by Mahatma Trailanga Swami i,e, Maha Bakya Ratnabali. which is a short note of 108 Upanisada by Swamijee. I have this book but in Bengali but Hindi version is available in Varanashi Ashram & Telugu just going to comp lit by Mr Srinivasan Raojee.

    Jay Guru

  27. mvsn murthy

    Dear Sri K.R. Raju,

    The life history of Sri Trailiga Swami is available with Sri Kandukoori Basava Raju, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh (Mobile No. 09849015496).

    So I request you to please contract him and get the beautiful book.

    This is coming to your notice only by the grace of Sri Trailinga Swami.

    All the best.


    mvsn murthy

  28. Srimadhan

    Saint Trilingaswamy is said to have attained Jeeva Samadhi in 7 places. Kashi (Pacha Ganga Ghat), Madurai (Arasaradi), Sittalangudi (near Madurai), Tenkasi (near Cutralam), Tiruvannamalai (place not known) and 2 other places which is not known to me

    If any one knows please let me know at 9840217417.

    Would end my blog with a note he has said “I will take birth again and again as coming and going is a maya for me”

  29. Ajit kulkarni

    There is temple of guruji in hubli, Karnataka. Guruji took samadhi 150+ years back in hubli. chk this link –

  30. Ajit kulkarni

    People worship him in the name of Krishnendra guruji. Who came from Varanasi and and lived some years in Hubli. There is book of him in kannada which mentions that he was born in Andhra.

  31. mvsn murthy

    Dear Ones, The biography of Maharaj Sri Trilinga Swami translated into Telugu is also available with M/s. Navoda Book House, Kachiguda, Hyderabad, Phone No. 040 – 24652387 for the cost of Rs.200.00.

    So, devotees can utilise this facility and get the books.

    Further, I want to view the Bengali Film on Sri Trilinga Swami, any one can send me CD/DVD to my address:

    M/S. S.C.CO.LTD.,
    INDIA – 507 101,
    MY MOBILE NO. 9951355344

    Thanking you one and all


    dear Amar Nath Poddarji & other respected devotees ,

    I am happy to inform that my grandfather had participated in Kulandai Ananda Swamigal Puja at Pudukottai in Tamilnadu . Even he was initiated by swamigal in Ambal pooja (Devi pooja) with Sri chakra . we have Panchayutha pooja (Bana Lingam & the silver vigraham of Ambal along with srichakra ) at home even today . I am continuing that pooja to the best of my ability after my father’s demise . Unfortunately people who have attended pooja in my grandfather’s house at Pudukkottai in 1926 in the divine presence of swamigal are no more & it did not strike anybody to probe & get the details of the pooja conducted by swamiji . I was only 4 years old
    when my grand father died & my father could not provide any more details of swamigal’s visit & the pooja conducted by Him . when Swamiji visited, my father was only 12 years old & my first cousin was
    only 6 or 7 years old only . i could get only very few details from my cousin . Later on , from 1989 only , i have started collecting & started reading about Kulandai Ananda Swamigal & his greatness , Holiness .Also started learning about the miracles performed by him from various people & books . But I am very Happy &satisfied to know that our family has been blessed to possess the idols which have got “Nayan deeksha” of swamigal . the same ambal (Devi) has been saving , protecting us from many problems & trials & tribulations . By the way, my Grand father & father used to call ambal(Devi) & Bana Lingam (Lord Shiva) as “Meenakshi samedha Sundareswarar” , as Swamigal was brought up by in Madurai temple in the sanctum sanctorum of Meenakshi Amman . He was fed Milk by Goddes Herself .

    I will post my feelings & other details after getting a good feed back .

    Sampath Kumar

  33. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Sampath Kumarjee, Thank for your massage, I can give you proper feed back at next week. In the mean time I want to know the name of your grandfather, and your address with phone number.
    I can say you are absulatly right that, Swamigal was brought up by in Madurai temple in the sanctum sanctorum of Meenakshi Amman . He was fed Milk by Goddes Herself.
    In the year 1919 Mahatma Sri Kulandai Anand Swamigal stayed at Batlagundu (Vathilai) village for some time and moved to the nearby town, Periyakulam and stayed at the house of P.N.A.Narayana Iyer.
    Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar

  34. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Sampathjee, Just I got information that, Swamiji’s descendant (one branch of the descendant tree) were in Pudukottai. I am egarly waiting to talk with you, during my long reasearch on Swamijee`s life
    many more unknown fact has discover. For sharing all of this please call me in my mobile 09830035715 or in my mail id and .

    You can also contact with Shri Kulandai Ganeshan Swami who reside at Vatlagundu Village of Madurai, whose mobile no is 098946-13062. He can give you more information on your searching.

    Thanking You & Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar

  35. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Sampathjee, Still I am waiting for your repply. Please SMS your mobile no at 09830035715 so that we can discuss and share our view on Swamijee.

    Thanking You & Jay Gurudev
    Amar Nath Poddar

  36. Prasad Vennelaganti

    Wonderful Account of the Great Saint. Trailinga Swami. Energizing Words from the Author. Well Documented Article. Kudos. Readers, please publish more such information about these True Sons of the Soil, who made Indian a rich Repository of Spiritual Heritage.

  37. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Prasadjee, Thank for your realization on the life of Mahatma Trailanga Swami. As you have request for publish more about Swamijee, I am posting few line of His Upadesha given to His disciple Shri Tripurlinga Saraswati, who was engaged in a massive Seva Karya of the people of Dhaka now in Bangla Desh, effected due to plague and thousands of people was dying without food, medicine & watter. And It took about six month time to control the situation. In this novel service one Begam Saheba lady disciple of Tripurlingajee who living in Calcutta gave Him one lack of rupees at that time for this novel work (serve to needy), and ask Him to start with this money and inform her if require further. After six month Tripurlinga Saraswati return to Calcutta and inform all to His disciple (Begam Saheba), staying few days in Calcutta He request Begam Saheba to arrange for His tour to Varanashi. After few days when He reaches Varanashi He heard about a Great Yogi named Trailanga Swami, who lives in an ashram near Pancha Ganga Ghat. Getting this news He intended to meet with the Yogi. And in next morning after getting bath in the Ganges when He entered in the ashram, He saw Great yogi is sitting just in front of door and loving towards Him but Tripurlingajee couldn`t recognize His Guru, due to a long detachment of 50 years after His initiate by His Guru Mahatma Trailanga Swami in Rameshwaram. Waiting little moment when Swamijee ask AJA BETA then only Tripurlinga jee recognize His Guru of Rameswaram. He stay there about 6 month, gradually became a member of Ashram.
    One day Swami Tripuralinga Saraswathi ask for the permeation to stay rest of His life in the Ashram with Mahaswami , asking his guru (Gurudev I have travel almost all over the place in Himalaya and all other tirtha khetra, now rest of my life I want to pass with you in the ashram. Mahaswami reply no you will be needed very soon in Sirajganj at Dhaka, Maimansingha and many other place in Bengal (Now in Bangla Desh) for your same service what you have done before. Tripuralingajee reply yes Gurudev that was a pleasant job for me & I got mental satisfaction on it, I have serve thousands of people with food, medicine, cloth etc & I feel pleasant & joy on it. Mahaswami reply why? Why You feel pleasant & joy? Who are you? What is your capacity to serve people? You have done nothing. God has served to His entire needy son through you. You are only Nimittya (mediator). You are lucky Ishwar has chosen you for this work.
    That day whole night Maha Swami Trailanga Deva teaches his disciple the lesson from Shri Bhagabat Gita on NISKAM KARMA YOGA. In morning Tripurlingajee said Guru Dev till my this old age I have travel & met with many Sadhu Sanyasi and Mahapurush but today I learn my actual lesson from you. Meaning of Niskam Karma.
    Jay Guru
    Amar Nath Poddar

  38. Parban

    Whatever is being preached about Sri Trailanga Swami by Sri Amarnath Poddar in this forum are not based on any book or records accepted as authentic by the authorities of the Varanasi Trailanga Math. The only authentic sources about Sri Swami accepted by all are his biography written by His direct disciple Sri Umacharan Mukerjee and the recorded reminiscences of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Bijaykrishna Goswam etci. Interested readers may visit the Trailanga Swami Forum of Forum Jar to know more about this.

  39. parban

    When Sri Kulandai Swami, a highly respected saint of Madurai, says something like he is one with Sri Trailanga Swami, this utterance has to be understood only spiritually. As Jesus said : I am one with my father in heaven.When one transdences all layers of maya like name, form, time etc, he becomes one with Paramatman, as Sri Trailanga Swami has explained in his Tattwopadesha.All our scriptures say this.Sri Kulandai Swami’s utterances has to be understood in this light.
    But history deals with aspects limited by time, name and form. And historically there are enough evidences that Sri Trailanga Swami and Sri Kulandai Swami are
    different persons.

  40. Yogesh sharma

    As i have also learn about mahasant sri Trailang swami. I can just say that he is now in the form of sri sri 1008 swami Avdhoot ji Maharaj.
    Jai sri Gurudev ji
    Jai sri Gurudev ji

  41. Sayan Banerjee

    Where can i get the english version of umacharan mukherjee’s book on trailanga swami?
    Waiting with an eager heart for ur reply

  42. parban

    Dear Sayan

    Please visit the Trailanga Swami Forum of Forum Jar to get information about the book you want. Thanks

  43. Bala

    Kuzhanthai Ananda Swamigal aliasTrailinga swamigal -Vathilai karthikai deepam -2013
    Pls Visit
    குழந்தையானந்தர் என்ற த்ரைலிங்கர் சுவாமிகள்-குழந்தைவிலாசம்-வத்தலகுண்டு கார்த்திகை தீபம்-2013

  44. Amar Nath Poddar

    Dear Bala, Thank for the side you mention. It is the Temple of Mahaswami at Vatlagudu Village near Madurai. Full length black granite murti of Mahatma Trailangga Swami establish here, Kulandai Ganeshan swami prepare the puja arrangement of Swamijee is seen in the Video. But please try to post full video of worship & function of temple for the devotee of Matatma Trailanga Swami.

  45. Ram


    I would be very thankful if anybody provide document/PDF to me @ regarding Mahatma Trailanga Swami.


  46. p.v.sreekanth@ramasubbiyer


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