“Cyclic Meditation and Avartan Dhyan Instructions” by Raghuramji

Language : English
Speaker : Raghuramji

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Recorded at the Yoga Instructors Course conducted at Los Angeles in 2006.

10 Responses to “Cyclic Meditation and Avartan Dhyan Instructions” by Raghuramji

  1. mangala jayant

    very soothing as well as very informative for the beginners.
    very helpful for peace lovers.

  2. Praveen

    Very good

  3. niranjan kumar

    how to perform avartan dyan

  4. alok gupta

    I want to learn avartan dhyan. Please mail us the video of that .I will be very obliged

  5. lalit

    I want to learn avartan dhyan. Please mail us the video of that. I will be very thankful.

  6. Rahul Apte

    Dear Sir,

    Will you please forward this instructions for Cyclic Meditation at mp3 attachment through email?

    As every time doing meditation is not possible if I don’t have

  7. animesh

    want to learn avartan dhyan.can i learn it from nepal or i need to come banglore,in case i would be happy to get the video illustration of avartan dhyan.

  8. Dr.S.Bala


    Please send me a copy of recording in MP3 format so that i can practice it.


  9. Dr.S.Bala

    Hello Namaskar,
    I want to learn avartan dhyan. Please mail the video in mp3 format.

  10. Kalpesh

    I want to learn avartan dhyan. Please mail the video. Thanks,

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