CREATIVE PEACE SADHANA – Walking, Pranayama and Meditation (Translation, Rotation and Stillness)

You are hereby invited for a three-hour lecture demonstration on 19th Dec 2012, from 5pm to 8pm by Shri. Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi, M.Tech, Ph.D. at the following venue

To confirm your participation kindly send an SMS to 9980161623

Detailed agenda of the workshop

  • Practices
  • Cleansing Walk
  • Creative Peace
  • Cleansing and Balancing Pranayama
  • Creative Peace Pranayama
  • Creative Peace Meditation
  • Discussion
  • Cellular Respiration Equation
  • Complementary Respiratory Systems
  • Prana and Apana
  • Apana and Ojas
  • Energy and Tejas
  • The Matrix of Five Elements
  • Ojo Marga and Tejo Marga
  • The Sukshma Sareera Orbit of Chakras
  • Squeezing of Negativity and Forming of Ojas
  • Mindfulness and Creation of Tejas
  • Moving Ojas and Tejas
  • Stillness for Creation and Transmutation
  • Mudras and Bandhas
  • Songs/Bhajans
  • Sarva Devata Vandanam
  • Sivuni Dhyanam

Brief profile of the speaker

Shri. Narasimha Siddhanti Malladi, MTech (IIT, Madras) and PhD (Oklahoma State U., US), 70 years in 2012, is a freelance educator of Creative Peace Sadhana, settled recently at Dhyana Jagathi, a Vegetarian Village for Meditating Families in Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. While being a graduate student and faculty member at IIT, Madras (Chennai) during 1965-73, he met his Parama Guru Bhagawan Ananta (Founder of Sree Lalitha Ananta Asrama near Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu) and other Masters of Yoga who were visionaries and fore-runners for The Kalyana Yuga starting on December 21, 2012, to fulfill the aspiriration Rishi Bharadwaja for a Golden Age on Earth.

Dr. Malladi spent his time in US from 1973 to 2012, in Academics, Industry and essentially in Yoga Sadhana, experimenting and integrating different yoga practices from all religions. The resultant is his Creative Peace Sadhana in its simplest and complete form that can be presented in a 3 hour Free Workshop.

The main component of Creative Peace Sadhana is Pranayama, sandwitched by Walking and Meditation that initiates Brahma-Charya in one’s subtle body. This type of Brahma-Charya was initially practiced by the Ideal Married Couples like Sathi Arundhati and Brahmarshi Vasishta and singles like Brahmrshi Viswamitra , to maintain their Inner Silence and Freedom from Karma.

Dr. Malladi interprets the Pranayama sloka 29, in Chapter 4 of BhavadGita (Apaane Juhvathu Praanam …) as a description of what happens as Cellular Respiration in the physical body (Annamaya Kosa) and the corresponding union of Praana and Apaana in the Subtle body (Pranamaya Kosa).
In Cellular respiration, or for that matter in anay buraning process, Oxygen and Carbohydrate molecules unite to form Carbon dioxide and Water, releasing Heat Energy, that was earlier stored in the Carbohydrate molecules before the reaction.
The Creative Peace Sadhana facilitates the transformation the Apaana currents into Ojas that reacts with Praana more readily and completely, to release Tejas, the subtle Kinetic Energy, yogis generate as their Aura. Dr. Malladi simplied this process by Creative Peace Pranayama in four stages coupled with gentle Bandhas and Mudras that makes Meditation easier to people of all ages 7 years and above, in all four Vedic Asramas of human life. Dr. Malladi intends this Sadhana to be the Family culture imparted by the mothers to their children in this Kalyana Yuga.

Dr. Malladi can be reached by email at

2 Responses to CREATIVE PEACE SADHANA – Walking, Pranayama and Meditation (Translation, Rotation and Stillness)

  1. BS Rao

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you to your contribution to the man kind. We are keen to take your guidence on this. Please let us know your availability in Bangalore.

    BS Rao

  2. murali k r

    please send me mails of the programmes.

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